Research Funding & Management


Funding of R&D+I activities and management of the associated research projects is supported by a Team of dedicated proximity officers. Their primary mission is to boost the capacity of CNC and its researchers to attract and manage diverse competitive funding, by

  • Motivating scientists to apply for the most appropriate funding opportunities,
  • Actively educating scientists on the application process(es),
  • Ensuring that they build the strongest possible proposals,
  • Handling the added burden of administration requirements, so that researchers focus on solving the important scientific and social challenges ahead.

The Team also provides inputs and indicators for strategic institutional planning and assessment of core competencies, responds to specific requests for information about funding programs, projects, facilities or capabilities,and assures administrative support to decision makers and executive management, informing and supporting researchers and institutional governing bodies.
Overall, it ensures the sustainable development and growth of CNC's R&D+I activities.

Support offered to researchers include:

Pre-award Level

Scouting for funding opportunities

Providing access to a regularly updated, searcheable list of relevant funding opportunities (available via intranet).

Info/tutorial sessions

On specific funding programmes/calls and national and international funding policies.

Proposal development and submission

Supporting individual researchers to apply to the most appropriate calls and devise the best proposals. Writing institutional proposals.

Post-award Level

Project Setup & Management

Preparation of grant and consortium agreements (incl. eventual budget re-negotiation and/or revision).
Administrative and financial management. Support for report elaboration of key international and/or institutional projects.

Funding Sources

CNC integrates the R&D Unit (UID) and Associate Laboratory (LA) CiBB, wich undergoes regular national evaluations to secure its core operational funding, currently provided  under the UID pluriannual projects UIDB/04539/2020 and UIDP/04539/2020, and the LA project LA/P/0058/2020. These projects are financed by the Portuguese state budget via FCT.

CNC has been also particularly successful in attracting other institutional- and researcher-driven competitive funding from multiple sources, including:

Public Funders

FCT, PT2020|PT2030 (ESIF), PRR (NextGenerationEU),Ciência Viva, Infarmed, European Commission (H2020|HE|EU4H among others), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Private Funders

Bial, Bluepharma, Santa Casa da Misericórdia, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Maratona da Saúde, “la Caixa” Foundation, Fundación MAPFRE, AFM-Téléthon, Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, Laboratoire INNOTECH International – Innothera, Medical Research Council, Bayer, Novartis, Roche, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, European Society for Clinical Investigation, Pfizer, Merck, Blade Therapeutics, Wave Life Sciences, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative,Alzheimer's Foundation of America, Brain & Behaviour Research Foundation, National Ataxia Foundation, The Michael J. Fox Foundation, Progeria Research Foundation, Teva Pharmaceutical, BioBlast Pharma, Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience, to name a few.

A comprehensive list of projects and funding entities supporting CNC activities can be browsed here.

Research Management funding

Both the activities and Team devoted to Research Funding & (project) Management are supported by several competitively-funded projects (besides CiBB's UID and LA) to which the team plays/ed a key role in the design, elaboration and/or execution. These include



Research Management Hub

The Team operates in straight collaboration with other relevant research management supporting structures, namely

    CNC's Science Communication and Technology Transfer offices and CiBB's Open Science platform,

   UC’s central divisions for pre- and post-award project management, DAPI and DPA,

   UC’s strategic areas division AEUC and associated resources and initiatives at iiiUC,

   The national networks PERIN (with CNC representatives in its RNPII), AICIB (whose President is a CNC senior researcher) and PIC (counting several CNC members),

   The European Association of Research Managers & Administrators (EARMA) of which a few CNC managers are members.


Contact us by email grants [at]

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